At we believe that sharing the real stories of people is essential to improving the way ladies give pleasure to their men. Our blog is a space for YOU to share your story or to highlight why you think making your man happy matters. It is a place where your voice is powerful and your perspective matters.
Ready to contribute?!
To submit your contribution, please do the following:
• Send us your basic contact information
• Upload your post (400 – 600 words) and don’t forget to include a title.
• Fill in your “Author’s Bio” (1 – 4 sentences describing yourself).
Note: Use the form below for these entries
You will get a confirmation email that your submission has been received. It may take time for your post to be published. We appreciate your patience. ALL first-time submissions need to be reviewed. However, if you’ve submitted a post in the past, and it’s been published on our blog, you can submit your newest post directly by emailing us.
Please note that we do edit posts and their titles for length, clarity, and other editorial guidelines determined by our team. If significant changes are made our staff will run them by you before posting. We take great care to ensure we never misrepresent the voices or messages of our guest bloggers. If you have any questions about this policy, please reach out.
Unfortunately, we can’t publish every submission that we receive due to our small (but mighty!) editorial team and other limitations. If your submission is not posted, please know that it is not a reflection on the quality of your writing or the importance of your story.